Key Takeaways from Department of Labor’s Brent Parton’s Fireside Chat

December 13, 2023
Our President and CEO, Gary A. Officer, sat down with Brent Parton, Acting Assistant Secretary, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor for a fireside chat during our 2023 Summit. Brent Parton shared insights on the changing workforce and noted a substantial 70% increase in the labor force for those aged 60 and over.

He stressed the importance of acknowledging successful programs like SCSEP, stating, “Our team at DOL is working with the evaluation office to elevate what works in SCSEP.”

Additionally, Parton highlighted a significant deficit in experience and mentorship nationwide, and he made it clear that the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act is a top priority:

We have to protect the program [the Older Americans Act], the investment, and continue to equip our partners on the ground.

For a comprehensive understanding of this discussion on the future of work and strategies for inclusion from the Department of Labor’s point of view, watch the full interview below: